Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Patient Appreciation Month!

During the month of July, Proud Smiles Dental is thanking our patients by celebrating “Patient Appreciation Month.” We found a great way to say thanks for choosing us to be your dentist by instituting the Loyal Patient Reward System.

What is the Loyal Patient Reward System?

This no cost program is our way of thanking our patients, by which our patients earn Loyal Patient Rewards dollar amounts, allowing them to save on thousands of products and services. Here’s how it Works…Each patient will automatically receive $250 in Loyal Patient Savings to start, and $50 more in savings rewards every single month, plus even more savings for:

· Keeping their scheduled appointments
· Reactivating if they haven’t been in for care in awhile
· Using available patient financing
· Recommending their friends to Proud Smiles
· An extra $100 in rewards on their birthday
· $25 in rewards for extra savings holidays
. “Liking” Proud Smiles on Facebook

Loyal Patient Rewards will reward you for taking good care of your oral health, leading to a healthier lifestyle! To learn more about our Loyal Patient Reward System call us at 404-257-0091.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NuCalm: A Natural Alternative to Dental Sedation

Does going to the dentist make you nervous? Do you dread having dental treatments? I’m a dentist and even I get a sinking feeling in my stomach when I sit in the dental chair.

Many patients ask if they can be put to sleep for routine dental care. Sedation is not common in dental offices because it is heavily regulated. Oral sedation, IV sedation and Nitrous Oxide can carry health risk and additional cost for patients.

Here at Proud Smiles Dental, we are happy to now provide a natural way to relax at no cost to you. My patients feel relaxed and even rejuvenated from the NuCalm system. They leave feeling great without any risk or side effects, to go on with their day.

NuCalm places the body into the same deep relaxation it experiences as you fall to sleep. Using a combination of natural supplements, micro-current stimulation, nueroacoustic music and black-out glasses, your body naturally relaxes. Time passes quickly during treatment and you feel rested when you are done.

NuCalm has truly changed the dental experience. Check out www.nucalm.com to learn more. Give us a call to experience dental care in a whole new way!