Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Achieving a Bright White Smile

What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone for the first time? If you’re like many Americans, it’s their smile. A whiter, brighter smile is beautiful -- it can help you feel better about yourself and make a memorable impression.

There are many things that contribute to stained or dull teeth such as drinking coffee, tea, soda or wine. Don’t feel like giving up your morning coffee? We don’t either! Not to worry…we have some options for you!

The first step in achieving that bright smile you’ve always wanted is to make regular appointments for cleanings. Yes—believe us it really does make a difference!

Do you need something to give you that EXTRA sparkle? If used correctly strips may be quite effective, but if you want an ultra-quick fix our Discus products may be for you. We offer Day White gel, which is a high powered formula for speedy take-home whitening or Zoom, our in-office option in which we use a combination of gel and a specialty light. These options are fast and convenient which are proven to be safe and effective.

Would you like more information? Watch my Web MD video on teeth whitening!

Friday, May 6, 2011

INVISALIGN® DAY Celebrate who you really are with a beautiful smile!

What is Invisalign?

Have you considered getting braces, but cringe at the thought of the traditional ones? Do you have nightmares of all of the food that you will inevitably be fishing out of your braces?

Invisalign takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using custom made aligners created just for you. The virtually invisible aligners are made of smooth clear plastic and are placed over your teeth. You receive a new aligner every couple weeks to gently move your teeth to the appropriate position. The best part about this modern approach is there are no metal brackets or wires-just aligners that you can pop in and out of your mouth!

Join us for Invisalign Day

Wednesday, May 18th 2:00pm - 7:00pm, I will be providing FREE consultations to answer your questions about Invisalign treatment, the clear way to straighten teeth. If you have wondered if Invisalign is right for you, make an appointment for this special event.

Here are some perks you can receive

  • $500 off treatment
  • Complimentary whitening with Invisalign treatment
  • Financing options
  • Reimbursement under FSA plans

Hurry…the space is limited to the first 25 appointments! Give me a call at 404-257-0091.