Friday, March 25, 2011

Which Foods are Most Beneficial for Good Dental Health?

Factors to Consider

Did you know that changes in your mouth start as soon as you take that first delicious bit? Bacteria in the mouth convert sugars from the foods you eat to acids, and it's the acids that begin to attack the enamel on teeth, starting the decay process. Beware…you expose your teeth to decay every time you eat!

The Healthy Choice

The smartest food choices for healthy teeth are: cheeses, meats, nuts, and milk. These foods protect tooth enamel by providing the calcium and phosphorus needed to re-mineralize teeth after being exposed to harmful acids.

Some additional smart food choices include: apples, pears, and crunchy vegetables. These foods have a high water content, which dilutes the effects of the sugars that turn into acids causing the weakened enamel. They also stimulate the flow of saliva which helps protect against decay by washing away food particles and buffering the acid.

Between Meals

Chewing sugarless gum is actually beneficial to your teeth as chewing helps extricate food that becomes stuck to your teeth. Sugarless Gum also increases saliva flow to wash away mouth acids. When you’re parched, AVOID sugary juices and sodas! The smartest beverage choices include water, milk, and unsweetened tea.

By being mindful and making the right decisions, you can minimize the acid produced by sugary foods and eliminate tooth decay!

Visit my Website to learn more about my practice.

-Brenda Paulen, D.M.D

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Future of Health Care

I participated in a panel discussion last month at the Sandy Springs Chamber of
Commerce Women's Business Network's Luncheon: "What you need to know
about Health Care right now." There was a lot of uncertainty on what the future
holds for us in light of the changes that are occurring and proposed by Health Care

Mergers: Are they a good idea?

We are seeing mergers and consolidation of medical practices, hospitals and labs.
In the news last month there was talk of a sale of a large ambulance/emergency
services company. Will these changes be good for us as patients and consumers?

Insurance Exchanges & Taxes

What will insurance exchanges and taxes on Cadillac health plans do? Will this
put more control of services into the hands of corporate Insurance entities? The
independent insurance agents were concerned about reduction of product choices.
The medical practitioners were concerned about Insurance companies being even
further installed between the doctor and the patient.

Pay Attention & Stay Involved

We should each be proactive in our own health. Exercise, eat natural foods, and
do not smoke. We can affect our own health profoundly to avoid obesity, diabetes
and heart disease. Always see your dentist on a regular basis to avoid bacterial
infections and gum disease. Have a relationship with the medical practice of your
choice. Learn and advocate for yourself and loved ones. We must take personal
responsibility, not place our health in the corporate Insurance world or onto the

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Green Is In

Global warming seems to be at the top of everyone’s minds. Many people have set forth new efforts in living a greener lifestyle, and I am no exception. I am very environmentally conscious of my impact on this world. At home, I am the Green Queen and my habits are now transpiring to my kids. They think twice before throwing anything away and are turning off lights and computers when they are not in the room.

This consciousness has been brought to my practice and is catching on to others in my industry. We are going above and beyond recycling and energy conservation!

Here are some ways we at Proud Smiles reduce waste and pollution:
  • Use digital imaging. This reduces the radiation we emit and the chemicals we would use to develop X-rays and the putty of impressions.
  • Recycle the metals we remove from patients mouths so they don’t pollute the city water system.
  • Use hospital grade, reusable sterilization items to reduce the amount of paper and plastic we throw away.
  • Support our suppliers in reducing packaging.
  • Order supplies only monthly to minimize our shipping carbon footprint.
  • Recycle old equipment.
  • Use nontoxic, biodegradable disinfectants and cleaners.
  • Clean our water lines regularly with biodegradable enzymatic cleaners that are environmentally kind.
  • Use the computer extensively for our medical records to reduce paper.
  • Use email for reminders and billing.

Please give us feedback and support our efforts as we at Proud Smiles Dental continue to pursue and implement environmentally friendly measures.